Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Toss the bouquet? I think not...

My lovely mom-in-law owns a wonderful flower shop in Miami Springs. I help her whenever I can and have gained a lot of experience making all kind of floral arrangements. Recently I made a couple of what I call "the new version of the bridal bouquet". I saw them in a magazine and thought it was a unique and meaningful option of the traditional floral bouquet. This new version consists of brooches, pins, and any other relatable accesory. This is definitely something that not a lot of brides are willing to go for unless you have a very open mind and want something very different, new and unique. I, personally, love them and would have definitely made one for my wedding. Perhaps someday I will, when I renew my vows ♥. So enjoy the pictures and needless to say, this is one bouquet you will not want to toss but instead treasure forever. As always, make it your own. ;)

Simple but noticeable...

This year I had no clue on what to give my wonderful mother for her birthday. Then I remembered that she always wanted to add some color and accesories to her living room/dining room area and so I thought it would be a great idea to do just that and surprise her. I was on a VERY strict budget, so with the help of my father and the wonderful prices of Marshalls and T.J.Maxx, I was able to come up with some wonderful pieces that instantly made her cozy living/dining room come alive. The color palette I used were shades of green and orange. By moving her furniture around I created a separation between the two areas and made the living room space a bit more private. Colorful curtains and throw pillows added brightness to the room and the smaller accesories gave it a chic finishing touch. I decided to put a picture from my parents' wedding on the console table for a more personal feel. Plants and flowers can also add a lot of brightness and joy. I made a rose arrangement for her dining room table and placed a beautiful green(faux)orchid on the console table as well. Don't be afraid to use fake flowers or plants as long as you know how and where to place them. Enjoy the before and after pictures and remember less is more. Just make it your own. ;)




I originally created my blog in April of 2010. For some reason I never blogged about anything until today. So much has happened since then. Sometimes we try to do more than what we can actually achieve. Today, I had a lot of things on my mind. When will I finish my career? When will we buy a home (we are living with my husband's grandmother)?. How can I make more money? etc, etc. I know I originally created this blog for decorating tips and ideas and it will definitely continue to be about that, but why not also add everyday worries, doubts, questions, issues that we all deal with. After all that is where my inspiration comes from. So, therefore, my first blog is about me but stay tuned for wonderful decorating pics and ideas that you will love. Remember, you don't have to be a professional in order to make something look pretty. Just follow your instincts and make it your own. ;)